Mission Resources

Whether you're looking for information on getting to the mission field, thought-provoking articles on mission issues, videos to inspire your church, or recommendations for books to read or courses to take, our mission resources section is here to help! Have a browse, and if there's something more you're looking for just let us know!


Reach Magazine

Pioneers' thrice-yearly Reach magazine looks at the world we live in through the lens of the Great Commission. Read recent editions and subscribe by clicking here.


Learning Tools

Our Learning Tools page includes free Bible studies, teaching aids and informational packets, all designed to educate and inspire you toward mission.


Video Library

Whether you're looking for information about mission, inspiration for the task at hand or resources for your church or small group, we've got a video for you!

Missions Courses

mission resources perspectives

Perspectives isn’t a class about missions, but a course on how every believer can be intimately woven into the story of God using His people to be a blessing to all the peoples of the earth. It helps believers from all walks of life see how they are part of God’s story of redeeming people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. 

mission resources encountering islam

Encountering the World of Islam (EWI) is both a book and a course. EWI helps Christians understand Islam and build positive relationships with Muslims. EWI looks at the whole global community of Muslims, most of whom live in South and Southeast Asia (Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Pakistan) rather than only in the Middle East, as is often supposed.

mission resources welcoming the nations

Welcoming the Nations Among Us is a 6-lesson study developed out of a need to help churches, organisations, and individuals cross cultures, engage with foreigners, and share Jesus with them. No longer do you have to cross oceans to be a missionary to the unreached…you just have to cross the street.

mission resources the culture bridge

The Culture Bridge is a 5-lesson study designed to help diaspora Christians navigate the challenges of integrating into British culture. The course is written led by a multicultural team of practitioners and runs online 2-3 times a year. Click below to find out more.

mission resources momentumYes

MomentumYes is a free, six-session, video-based missions course that aims to help Christians rethink church, our neighbours, how we approach the Bible, God’s mission on this earth, and our part in his story. 

Helpful Websites

mission resources Joshua project

Joshua Project is a digital database that profiles the ethnic people groups of the world, highlights to what degree each is considered reached with the gospel and provides prayer requests and a list of needs for each group.

mission resources christian vocations

Christian Vocations provides details on thousands of opportunities to serve in the UK or around the world and resources that inform people about various topics.

mission resources people groups

People Groups is a database where you can search more than 11,000 people groups. You can download a list of all the world’s people groups, as well as tables and charts on the status of global evangelisation. 

mission resources Oscar

If you’re involved or interested in mission or Christian work around the world, OSCAR is a great place to find useful information, advice,  resources and Christian job postings in the UK and all over the world. 

Recommended Books

Pioneers strives to facilitate people like you into missions. With this goal in mind, we've identified some ‘essential’ mission resources to help you on your journey of preparation for cross-cultural ministry. The books and resources listed here give valuable information… sometimes from a Christian perspective, sometimes not.

 mission resources neighboring faiths
mission resources encountering islam
mission global mission handbook
mission resources miraculous movements

World Religions

Neighboring Faiths by Winfried Corduan.  ISBN 978-0830839704

Your Questions Answered by E.M. Hicham  ISBN 978-0852346945

Encountering the World of Islam. Keith Swartley, editor.  ISBN 978-0852346945

What is Hinduism by Himalayan Academy Publishers.  ISBN 978-1934145005

Death of a Guru by R.Maharaj and Dave Hunt.   ISBN 978-0340862476

Sadhu Sundar Singh by P. Thompson.  ISBN 978-1850780991

An Introduction to Buddhism (2nd edition) by Peter Harvey. ISBN 978-0521676748

Mission Issues

Global Mission Handbook by Hoke & Taylor. ISBN 978-08308-37175

Working in a Team
Dealing with People You Can’t Stand by Brinkman and Kirschner. ISBN 978-0071785723

Church Planting
Miraculous Movements by Jerry Trousdale. ISBN 978-14185-47288

T4T: A Discipleship Re-Revolution by Smith & Kai. ISBN 978-0974756219

Aid & Social Justice
When Helping Hurts: Alleviating Poverty Without Hurting the Poor…and Yourself by Corbett and Fikkert.
ISBN 978-0802409980

Toxic Charity: How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help (and How to Reverse It) by Robert Lupton. ISBN 978-0062076212